01923 261 795
Exploring The Faith
There are many ways in which to explore your faith in our churches. Whether you are exploring your faith for the first time, or looking to delve even deeper, we have a selection of different options available to you. If you would like to find out further information then please get in touch with the office today.

House Groups
We have a number of house groups running each month. These groups meet in a small number, usually at someone's house, and discuss a variety of different topics. Sometimes they will read a book on a certain topic relating to Christianity, or a subject from the bible, and other times they may follow an online video course. It is a great way to explore specific aspects of religion further, as well as meet new people and socialise. It is a great way to explore your faith.
If you are interested in joining a house group or creating a new one, please get in touch with the office to discuss.
"Challenge The Vicar" Evenings
Throughout the year we have a number of ad hoc evenings where we pick a topic, usually a controversial or taboo subject, and discuss it as a group.
It's a chance for people to voice their opinion on the matters discussed, as well as challenge the vicar or another member of the clergy on what they think!
Past topics have included: Hell (does anyone believe in hell any more?) and "Is God a monster?".
Keep an eye on the Events page for evenings coming up.

CTAL Lent Courses
Each year, the CTAL (Churches Together Abbots Langley) put on a lent course, running from Ash Wednesday to Holy Week.
The courses vary each year and are usually held in the different churches in the area, to encourage hearing different view points across the denominations. We have different speakers and each year a different topic will be discussed.
We will add the Lent Courses to our Events page at the beginning of the year, so please keep an eye out on there for more information.

Something Missing?
Is there something we have missed? Perhaps you have seen something done at another church and you think we could give it a go?
We are always open to ideas and we love to expose different ways of growing in faith, so if there is something else you would like to see at St Lawrence then please do let us know. Our door is always open!

Children and Communion
In the Church Of England, a child can receive Holy Communion before they are confirmed, providing they have done the necessary preparation work and obtain a full understanding of what it means to receive Holy Communion.
We provide such courses as and when required, so if you have a child that has been baptised and is interested in receiving communion, please get in touch with us to discuss further.

Confirmation Courses
Confirmation is a special church service in which a person confirms the promises that were made when they were baptised. If you were baptized at a christening when you were a child, your parents and godparents made these promises on your behalf. As a young person or adult, you may be ready to affirm these promises for yourself and commit your life to following Jesus Christ.
Here at St Lawrence we run confirmation courses yearly.
If you are interested in being confirmed, please get in touch with the office to find out more.