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What's On This Week

Here you can find out information about what's coming up this week in the life of the church, including services, funerals, groups and meetings. 

Monday - Saturday, 9.15am

Morning Prayer

In the Corpus Christi Chapel


Monday 20th January


10.00am Coffee Morning

Breakspear Room


1.00pm Funeral of Edith Calderwood

St Lawrence Church


7.30pm Bell Ringing Practice

St Lawrence Church


Tuesday 21st January


10.30am Tiny Tots

Breakspear Room


8.00pm Property Committee Meeting

Breakspear Room


Wednesday 22nd January


12.00pm Eucharist

St Lawrence Church


6.30pm Youth Choir practice

St Lawrence Church


8.00pm Choir practice

St Lawrence Church


Thursday 23rd January


Church office is closed


11.00am Burial of Ashes Joan Sanders

Garden of Remembrance


2.00pm - 4.00pm Bedmond Bells

Community Café

The Church of the Ascension

(Tin Church)


8.00pm Friends and Faith Group

Breakspear Room


Friday 24th January


10.00am Bedmond Bells Craft and Chat

The Church of the Ascension


2.00pm Craft and Conversation

Breakspear Room

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